ServiceConcept Theme Workshop
Our method
Our execution model comprises all aspects of a contemporary service concept. Together with you, we’ll determine the focus of the workshop by selecting from around 20 topics and include your individual wishes.
Advantages for you:
You, as a manager, can just be a participant
Workshop leadership and moderation without “company blinkers”
Minimal time requirements for your team
Direct transition to implementation
...and more
Results for you
The new service concept The first draft is there. Many years of experience in service design and the active participation of your team together have created a very good working basis from which you can begin development and later implementation. For example:
A summary of possible elements of a new service concept
Ideas for current and new service products, design and names
Ideas for integrating partners, a concept for your international network
...and much more!
Please request our "ServiceZukunft® Theme Workshops" brochure for more details or ask us directly for an individual quote. Please contact us using the chat option or via our contact form.